(changelog)= # Changelog (changelog-2024-05-07)= ## 2024-05-07 * Added a new forecast dataset: `ensemble-v1-1h-2500m`. See the {{"[description of the dataset on our data portal]({}/dataset/ensemble-v1-1h-2500m)".format(DATA_PORTAL_URL)}}. (changelog-2024-04-03)= ## 2024-04-03 ### klima-v2 * Fixed internal server error when requesting data that is outside of stations valid date range, see [#27](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs/issues/27). ### Documentation * Added [request rate limit](request_rate_limit) information. * Updated the [parameter mapping table](_static/documents/klima-v2-1m.csv) for monthly klima data. (changelog-20240222)= ## 2024-02-22 ### klima-v2 We released a set of four new datasets, that supersede the `klima-v1` datasets: * `klima-v1-10min` -> `klima-v2-10min` * `klima-v1-1h` -> `klima-v2-1h` * `klima-v1-1d` -> `klima-v2-1d` * `klima-v1-1m` -> `klima-v2-1m` :::{warning} We advise you to switch your data queries to the new datasets in time. We will stop updating `klima-v1` in the future. ::: #### New features The new datasets bring a few improvements over the old `klima-v1` datasets: * **Faster updates.** We now process each station individually and data is available, as soon as it is checked, instead of releasing in batches once per day. * **More stations.** Almost 100 stations (current and historic) have been added. * **Faster requests.** We improved data storage and retrieval. As a result `klima-v2` should serve data faster than `klima-v1` endpoints. #### Backwards incompatible changes * **Parameter names have changed.** As part of a standardization process of parameter names among multiple datasets, parameter names were adjusted. You can find a mapping of the old parameter names to the new ones below: * [klima-v2-10min.csv](_static/documents/klima-v2-10min.csv) * [klima-v2-1h.csv](_static/documents/klima-v2-1h.csv) * [klima-v2-1d.csv](_static/documents/klima-v2-1d.csv) * [klima-v2-1m.csv](_static/documents/klima-v2-1m.csv) * **Do not treat `end_time` as a reliable source for the last update time.** In `klima-v1` data was only updated once a day and the delayed ingestion, made `end_time` a quite reliable indicator for available data. Since we now update datasets continuously and process each station individually, there can be quite some difference between `end_time` and the station(s) you are interested in. ### tawes-v1-10min In accordance with the changes above, we also added more stations to the `tawes-v1-10min` dataset. :::{note} In some cases, there may be stations that are only available via `tawes-v1-10min` and not in `klima-v2-10min`. This can be an indicator, that these stations are very new and/or are temporary weather stations. **Please note that temporary stations could be removed from the dataset without announcement!** ::: ### Docs changes * Added explanation for the availability of historic forecasts * Added explanation on how to pass arrays to our API (changelog-20240115)= ## 2024-01-15 * Released two new forecast datasets: * `chem-v1-1h-4km`: Chemical weather prediction for Central Europe * `chem-v1-1h-12km`: Chemical weather prediction for Europe (changelog-20231214)= ## 2023-12-14 * Add BBOX format to description for grid queries [#19](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs/issues/19) * Fix mistyped projection `EPSG:4325` to `EPSG:4326`. * Remove verified information from resource list, see [#20](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs/issues/20). (changelog-20231116)= ## 2023-11-16 * Released an initial version of forecast endpoints * Forecasts: Added nowcasting dataset `nowcast-v1-15min-1km`. * Forecasts: Added numerical weather prediction dataset `nwp-v1-1h-2500m`. ```{note} Forecasts are available in `prerelease` stability. This feature is still under active development and subject to non-backwards compatible changes. Make sure you follow updates on the changelog and give us feedback on the endpoints on [https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs) ``` (changelog-20230918)= ## 2023-09-18 ### Redirecting requests to {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} Requests to {{"`{}`".format(LEGACY_BASE_URL)}} are now fowarded to {{"`{}`".format(BASE_URL)}} with a HTTP 301 redirect. Make sure to update your code, to point to the new domain. Check this changelog or the [Github Repository](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs) for updates regarding end-of-life of this redirect. ```{attention} Use the URL {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} for all API calls in new and existing projects. ``` (changelog-20230907)= ## 2023-09-07 * Fixing timeout error when requesting large geojson datasets. [#12](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs/issues/12) (changelog-20230718)= ## 2023-07-18 (changelog-20230718-geosphere)= ### Release of {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} The API at {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} is now live. This means: * New features will only be released to {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} * the API under the URL {{"[{}]({})".format(LEGACY_BASE_URL, LEGACY_BASE_URL)}} is deprecated and will only receive maintenance releases before the address is redirected to {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} approximately in September. **We therefore strongly recommend to use the new URL {{"[{}]({})".format(BASE_URL, BASE_URL)}} for new applications and update existing ones**. Your requests should not require any further changes since the endpoints are otherwise the same. ### Updated dataset API documentation The user documentation has been overhauled. The source code for the documentation is available at [https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs). ## 2023-06-27 * __Features__ * Adding `snowgrid_cl-v2-1d-1km` dataset * Adding `spartacus-v2-1d-1km` dataset * Adding `spartacus-v2-1m-1km` dataset * Adding `spartacus-v2-1q-1km` dataset * Adding `spartacus-v2-1y-1km` dataset * Adding `winfore-v2-1d-1km` dataset ## 2022-12-14 * __Breaking__ * Removed `lat` and `lon` parameters in favor of `lat_lon`. * All timestamps returned from the API are changed from second to minute resolution, i.e. `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+hh:mm`. This may break parsers that rely on second resolution. * __Features__ * Adding `histalp-v1-1y` endpoint. * __Enhancements__ * Introducing `lat_lon` parameter for type *timeseries*. * Multiple coordinate pairs can be requested from *timeseries* data using the `lat_lon` parameters. * Introducing `bboxOuter` metadata for grid type data. `bboxOuter` defines the `bbox` parameter values limits. * __Fixes__ * Fixing error when requesting data from more than one station with a station having no data for the requested time. * Fixing missing time steps when requesting data from more than one station all not having any data for this time period. * Updated outdated station metadata. * Fixed no timezone in CSV files. ## 2022-03-03 * API first release.